2025. March 11. Tuesday
Rippl-Rónai Museum - Kaposvár
Address: 7400, Kaposvár Fő u. 10.
Phone number: (20) 287-9323
E-mail: titkarsag@smmi.hu
Opening hours: 01.04-31.10.: Tue-Sun 10-16
01.11-31.03.: Tue-Sun 10-15 |
Museum tickets, service costs:
Individual ticket for adults
800 HUF
Group ticket for adults
(over 10 people)
700 HUF
/ capita
Individual ticket for students
400 HUF
Group ticket for students
(over 10 people)
350 HUF
/ capita
Individual ticket for pensioners
400 HUF
Group ticket for pensioners
(over 10 people)
350 HUF
/ capita
Ticket for families
1700 HUF
/ family
Group program ticket for children
700 HUF
Season ticket
2300 HUF
Individual season ticket
1200 HUF
/ capita / 4 occasions
Group professional guide
2800 HUF
/ group / exhibition
Our exhibition presents the significant themes of the ornamentals of Somogy County. The material is taken form a collection assembled from the beginning of the 20th century.

The first ward is the location of wooden carved objects and equipment of shepherds and peasants. The traditions of the so-called 'betyár', the outlaws are also presented in this ward. In the second ward, the nicest pieces of guilds of the tailors, furriers, and dyers, who mainly worked for the peasants and shepherds can be seen. The cotton-cloths making was a very important feature of the area, especially in Szelic and in the villages in inner Somogy. Cotton-clothing was favored until the beginning of the 20th century. The third ward presents the differences in the ornamentals according to their regions of their making. We can see simple hemp textile as well as ornamented buns worn in the villages made by specialists.
Among the festive clothing, we can see that from Csurgónagymarton, Törökkoppány, Karád, Szenna, Lakócsa, and Szulok. In the fourth ward, the visitors may study the differences in the color of the mourning textiles and clothing. The reason we present these is the fact that the white mourning cloth was preserved in the tradition of the population of Zselic and Somogy until the beginning of the 20th century.

The first ward is the location of wooden carved objects and equipment of shepherds and peasants. The traditions of the so-called 'betyár', the outlaws are also presented in this ward. In the second ward, the nicest pieces of guilds of the tailors, furriers, and dyers, who mainly worked for the peasants and shepherds can be seen. The cotton-cloths making was a very important feature of the area, especially in Szelic and in the villages in inner Somogy. Cotton-clothing was favored until the beginning of the 20th century. The third ward presents the differences in the ornamentals according to their regions of their making. We can see simple hemp textile as well as ornamented buns worn in the villages made by specialists.
Among the festive clothing, we can see that from Csurgónagymarton, Törökkoppány, Karád, Szenna, Lakócsa, and Szulok. In the fourth ward, the visitors may study the differences in the color of the mourning textiles and clothing. The reason we present these is the fact that the white mourning cloth was preserved in the tradition of the population of Zselic and Somogy until the beginning of the 20th century.
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