Address: 8100, Várpalota Zichy-kastély
Phone number: (30) 646-7089, (88) 372-721
E-mail: trianonmuzeum@trianonmuzeum.hu
Opening hours: Tue-Thu 10.30-16, Fri-Sun 10.30-17
Group ticket
(min. 10 capita)
600 HUF
Ticket for adults
1200 HUF
Ticket for students
600 HUF
Ticket for pensioners
600 HUF
The pain that came after the the Trianon Treaty re-annexes effected the whole society, including the peasants. In a materialized form it was incorporated in the daily life of peasants' life.
They painted siphons in national colours, hung emblazoned plated on the walls and the housewives embroidered tapestries bearing new messages which they hung up their kitchen. The sadness felt over loosing part of the country showed even on the dining tables, the prayers said at the table and blessings as well.
The precious pieces of wall hangings that were made with traditional technique betrayed the bitter feeling of loss after the Treaty of Trianon with spoke irredentist Great Hungarian National embroidery and rhythms. ("We gave it away with tears, take it back with blood, there will be grape with soft bread." „Beautiful homeland borders, will I ever see you?) The embroidered imagery was often the contours of historical of Hungary, variations of the Hungarian coat of arms.
This unique form of self-expression is shown by way of the uplifting collection of irredentist wall hangings in a peasant clean room, in addition to characteristic objects and furniture (oven, wall torque, chairs, tables, overcoat, boots, glazed plates and utensils, cradle, pitcher).