2024. December 21. Saturday
Farmhouse - Cserépfalu
Address: 3413, Cserépfalu Kossuth út. 106.
Phone number: (49) 423-132
E-mail: hivatal@t-online.hu
Opening hours: 01.05-30.09: Tue-Sat 10-16
The farmer house was built in 1911, in traditional style. Its first room is the summer kitchen. The large and small rooms are opening from here. The stove of the large room was heated from the kitchen. Later, when this special kind of stove was not in fashion any more, the large room was turned into a so-called clean room. The chimney of the kitchen was also done away with. That is how the kitchen became an entrance room.
Opening hours
01.05-30.09: Tue-Sat 10-16
guided tour
In Hungarian
In foreign languages: only descriptions
In foreign languages: only descriptions
Entrance is free of charge
Children under 7
Ticket prices
Ticket for adults
200 HUF
Ticket for children
100 HUF
Ticket for pensioners
100 HUF
Address | 3413 Cserépfalu, Kossuth út. 106. |
Address | Közjegyzőség címére, Kossuth Lajos u. 125. |
Museum manager | Dósa Gyuláné
Telephone | (49) 423-132
Fax | 423-935
Web |