2025. March 6. Thursday
László Holló Memorial Museum - Debrecen
Address: 4031, Debrecen Holló László sétány 8.
Phone number: (52) 428-251, (52) 413-326
E-mail: mfg@medgyessy-debr.sulinet.hu
Opening hours: Tue-Sun 10-16
Museum tickets, service costs:
Ticket for adults
100 HUF
Ticket for students
60 HUF
Ticket for pensioners
60 HUF
Unlike his brother-in-law László Holló, Ernő Hrabéczy (1894-1953) never turned into a well known painter even though he himself also learned his trade in Munich as the student of Simon Hollósy. After his return to Debrecen he showed his works to the audience.
Ernő Hrabéczy began a European journey in 1928. His visits in Western countries influenced his art greatly. He took on a kind of sullen characteristic in his art, which are illustrated by the works displayed in the László Holló Memorial Museum. The pictures are dark, slightly grotesque; the faces of the characters are elongated.
When WWII broke out the artist was in Budapest but since he could not live without his beloved town Hrabéczy returned to Debrecen after the war.
Before his extremely early death, he held several exhibitions.
Ernő Hrabéczy began a European journey in 1928. His visits in Western countries influenced his art greatly. He took on a kind of sullen characteristic in his art, which are illustrated by the works displayed in the László Holló Memorial Museum. The pictures are dark, slightly grotesque; the faces of the characters are elongated.
When WWII broke out the artist was in Budapest but since he could not live without his beloved town Hrabéczy returned to Debrecen after the war.
Before his extremely early death, he held several exhibitions.