2025. January 22. Wednesday
Rippl-Rónai Museum - Kaposvár
Address: 7400, Kaposvár Fő u. 10.
Phone number: (20) 287-9323
E-mail: titkarsag@smmi.hu
Opening hours: 01.04-31.10.: Tue-Sun 10-16
01.11-31.03.: Tue-Sun 10-15 |
Museum tickets, service costs:
Individual ticket for adults
800 HUF
Group ticket for adults
(over 10 people)
700 HUF
/ capita
Individual ticket for students
400 HUF
Group ticket for students
(over 10 people)
350 HUF
/ capita
Individual ticket for pensioners
400 HUF
Group ticket for pensioners
(over 10 people)
350 HUF
/ capita
Ticket for families
1700 HUF
/ family
Group program ticket for children
700 HUF
Season ticket
2300 HUF
Individual season ticket
1200 HUF
/ capita / 4 occasions
Group professional guide
2800 HUF
/ group / exhibition
The exhibition presenting the natural values of Somogy County begins with the presentation of the geographic situation of the county, which is followed by the presentation of the history of its geochronological formation.
We show the characteristic stones and fossils of the geochronological periods in four showcases. The wards opening from the hallway present the most important remains of the natural communities as well as the flora and fauna of Somogy County. Spectacular dioramas show the life of forests, lakes, swamps, and planes. We can also see pictures of invertebrates pressed in plant as well as insect preparations in the showcases. The large photos taken of the wonderful colors of butterflies, the richness of forms are catching. The visitors may also receive information on the current problems of nature preserving.
An audiovisual ward complements the exhibition where, besides the rarities of Somogy, movies on nature are screened.
We show the characteristic stones and fossils of the geochronological periods in four showcases. The wards opening from the hallway present the most important remains of the natural communities as well as the flora and fauna of Somogy County. Spectacular dioramas show the life of forests, lakes, swamps, and planes. We can also see pictures of invertebrates pressed in plant as well as insect preparations in the showcases. The large photos taken of the wonderful colors of butterflies, the richness of forms are catching. The visitors may also receive information on the current problems of nature preserving.
An audiovisual ward complements the exhibition where, besides the rarities of Somogy, movies on nature are screened.
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