2025. March 12. Wednesday
Natural History Museum of Bakony Mountains - Zirc
Address: 8420, Zirc Rákóczi tér 3-5.
Phone number: (88) 575-300
E-mail: btmz@nhmus.hu
Opening hours: Tue-Sun 9-17
Museum tickets, service costs:
Ticket for adults
800 HUF
Ticket for students
400 HUF
Group ticket for students
(on teaching time)
360 HUF
/ capita
Ticket for pensioners
400 HUF
Season ticket for a year for students
1500 HUF
(only on weekdays, max. 25 people)
5000 HUF
/ group
300 HUF
(max. 25 people)
1200 HUF
/ group
600 HUF
The scientific examination of the mountains has been carried out since 1962 with the help of outside contributors and members of the permanent staff of the museum. This program is called: "The Natural View of the Bakony". The achievments, that is all the geological, botanic and zoological materials collected during the past decades are displayed in our permanent exhibitions.

In the glass-case between the three dioramas we exhibit the typical species of the beech and oak woods with the help of the coloured watercolour replicas of Vera Csapody.
In one of the rooms the big mushrooms of the mountains are arranged according to the four seasons in three dioramas. The mushrooms are genuine. The preparations were made by the so called freezedry method.
In one of the glasscases we can see the species of the water-marshlands, the moist woods and the arid dolomit land. In the terrarium we can have a look at the everyday life of the frogs, lizards and grass snakes. Those interested can obtain a detailed description of the mountains' rich fauna. We gave room for those bird spices in the red glass-case which have become extint in the mountains during the last few decades or their number has decreased so sharply that their existance is endangered today.
Besides all these we can see the owl, the king-fisher, the mouse and the hamster and so many other spieces.

In the glass-case between the three dioramas we exhibit the typical species of the beech and oak woods with the help of the coloured watercolour replicas of Vera Csapody.
In one of the rooms the big mushrooms of the mountains are arranged according to the four seasons in three dioramas. The mushrooms are genuine. The preparations were made by the so called freezedry method.
In one of the glasscases we can see the species of the water-marshlands, the moist woods and the arid dolomit land. In the terrarium we can have a look at the everyday life of the frogs, lizards and grass snakes. Those interested can obtain a detailed description of the mountains' rich fauna. We gave room for those bird spices in the red glass-case which have become extint in the mountains during the last few decades or their number has decreased so sharply that their existance is endangered today.
Besides all these we can see the owl, the king-fisher, the mouse and the hamster and so many other spieces.
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