2025. March 12. Wednesday
Village Museum - Szegvár
Address: 6635, Szegvár Hunyadi János utca 31.
Phone number: (63) 313-352, (20) 567-9298
E-mail: tancosnora@freemail.hu
Opening hours: 01.04-31.10.: Wed-Fri 9-13, Sat-Sun: on prior notice
Museum tickets, service costs:
Ticket for adults
400 HUF
Ticket for students
200 HUF
Group ticket for students
(from over 10 people)
100 HUF
Ticket for pensioners
200 HUF
Ticket for families
(2 adults + 3 children)
600 HUF
/ family
Program ticket for students
200 HUF
1500 HUF
1000 HUF
1000 HUF
The exhibion represents the lifestyle of the poor peasant family of Szegvár.

The residentia and chaste room contains all furniture and instruments used by all the peasant families of the time. There is a beautiful painted-carven ended towered bed and the tulip bin standing beside. These were made at the beginning of the 19th century.
The peasant room-enteriour is demonstrated by a big table eith the corner bench around it, and a series of family pictures and saints hung on the walls. The traditional Hungarian oven is also there.
A part of the exhibition is the free chimneyed and faithfully furnished kithen and the porch.

The residentia and chaste room contains all furniture and instruments used by all the peasant families of the time. There is a beautiful painted-carven ended towered bed and the tulip bin standing beside. These were made at the beginning of the 19th century.
The peasant room-enteriour is demonstrated by a big table eith the corner bench around it, and a series of family pictures and saints hung on the walls. The traditional Hungarian oven is also there.
A part of the exhibition is the free chimneyed and faithfully furnished kithen and the porch.