2025. January 22. Wednesday
Hungarian Museum for Science, Technology and Transport - Chemistry Museum - Várpalota
Address: 8100, Várpalota Thury-vár
Phone number: (88) 575-670
E-mail: vegymuz@vegyeszetimuzeum.hu
Opening hours: 01.01.2011-31.07.2011.: Closed
Museum tickets, service costs:
Ticket for adults
600 HUF
/ capita
Ticket for students
(6-26 years of age)
300 HUF
/ capita
Ticket for pensioners
(62-70 years of age)
300 HUF
/ capita
Group guide
4000 HUF
/ group
Group guide
8000 HUF
/ group
One of the most interesting objects of the exhibition is the GIER computer mostly used for the supervision of chemical processes. The Danish device was used by the Pét Nitrogen Works for the evaluation of the parameters of its Ammonia department. The computer was produced in 1966. (The mockup of the above mentioned factory is also displayed.)