2025. March 26. Wednesday
Palóc Museum - Balassagyarmat
Address: 2660, Balassagyarmat Palóc liget 1.
Phone number: (35) 300-168, (35) 500-133
E-mail: info@palocmuzeum.hu
Opening hours: Sat-Sun 9-16
Museum tickets, service costs:
Ticket for adults
(26-61 years of age)
800 HUF
/ capita
Ticket for students
(6-26 years of age)
400 HUF
/ capita
Group ticket for students
4300 HUF
Group ticket for students
5600 HUF
Ticket for pensioners
(62-70 years of age)
400 HUF
/ capita
Ticket for families
(2 adults + 2 children)
1800 HUF
/ family
Combined ticket for families
2300 HUF
/ family
Program ticket
400 HUF
/ capita
3500 HUF
/ group
4700 HUF
/ group
1200 HUF
1800 HUF
"Kálmán Mikszáth was born on 16th January 1847, Szklabonya (Mikszáthfalva)and died on 28th May 1910 in Budapest. After his legal studies made in Debrecen he became a clerk in Balassagyarmat. His writings were first published in 1869. Since 1873 he had been working as a journalist in Budapest. After two years of married life he divorced his wife in 1875, but later marriad her again. He worked for several papers, such as the Szeged Diary, Pest News, etc. The short stories of Tót brothers (1881) and Good Palóc people (1882) brought success and the finances to him." (Hungarian Encyklopedia, vol. 12)

"The name of Kálmán Mikszáth is strongly connected to the Palóc land.
Mikszáth has never left his native land. He was strongly maintaining his roots.
His literary success can be put down to the people of his land. The source of his life work can be found among the hills and highlands of his home land.
Beside the mother land the family was the principal source of upholding strength to him as a private person and as an artist."

"The name of Kálmán Mikszáth is strongly connected to the Palóc land.
Mikszáth has never left his native land. He was strongly maintaining his roots.
His literary success can be put down to the people of his land. The source of his life work can be found among the hills and highlands of his home land.
Beside the mother land the family was the principal source of upholding strength to him as a private person and as an artist."