2025. March 29. Saturday
Museum and Library of Hungarian Agriculture - Budapest
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Address: 1146, Budapest Városliget, Vajdahunyadvár
Phone number: (1) 363-1117
E-mail: info@mmgm.hu
Opening hours: 01.03-31.10.: Tue-Sun 10-17
01.11-28.02.: Tue-Fri 10-16, Sat-Sun 10-17 |
Museum tickets, service costs:
Individual ticket
300 HUF
Individual ticket
600 HUF
Ticket for adults
1600 HUF
Group ticket for adults
500 HUF
Ticket for students
800 HUF
Ticket for pensioners
800 HUF
Individual combined ticket for adults
2100 HUF
Individual combined ticket for students
1300 HUF
Individual combined ticket for pensioners
1300 HUF
Guide for adults
5000 HUF
/ capita
Group guide for students
3000 HUF
Group guide
8000 HUF
The exhibition demonstrates one of the oldest occupations of the Hungarians. At the introductory part the visitors may learn of the traditional ways of fishing and its equipments. We pay more attention to the fishing guilds, fish market, fishing in the bigger rivers and lakes, and artificial fish rearing. Among the domestic fish, which are presented in a separate gallery, the 170-180 kg sturgeon caught around Paks is remarkable. The exhibition ends with the theme of the processing of fish, research, and sport fishing.