2025. January 24. Friday
Museum Piece Compilation of the Soma Orlai Petrics Cultural Center - Mezőberény
Address: 5650, Mezőberény Fő út 1-3.
Phone number: (20) 225-4846
E-mail: opsgy@mbereny.hu
Opening hours: Tue, Fri 10-12, Wed, Thu 14-16
Museum tickets, service costs:
Ticket for adults
220 HUF
Ticket for students
110 HUF
Ticket for pensioners
110 HUF
500 HUF
Two small wards hold the exhibition titled 'Petőfi in Mezőberény' about the relations of the poet Petőfi to the town. The pageants and the original documents selected by the Petőfi researcher Dr. Irányi István presents the affection of the poet to 'Berény' and his friendship with Orlai in detail.