2025. January 7. Tuesday
New Budapest Gallery - Budapest
Address: 1056, Budapest Bálna-Budapest, Fővám tér 11-12.
Phone number: (1) 426-4714
E-mail: info@budapestgaleria.hu
Opening hours: Tue-Sun 10-18
The exhibition has closed for visitors.
2008.12.10. - 2009.01.11.
Museum tickets, service costs:
Ticket for adults
1000 HUF
/ capita
Ticket for students
500 HUF
/ capita
Ticket for pensioners
500 HUF
/ capita
Erika Ligeti (1934 - 2004) was a significant and acknowledged figure of Hungarian sculpturing and numismatics. She belonged to the generation that renewed and improved the standard of Hungarian numismatics in the 1960’s.
Her coins and small statues of individual intonation emitted the inner happiness of their creator entrancing the viewer. Those praising her mostly focus on her dry humour her popularity is probably due to.
The exhibition deals with the most important eras of the artist via the most significant works of art. The biography of Erika Ligeti by Viktória Kovásznai L. was published parallel with the showing.
Her coins and small statues of individual intonation emitted the inner happiness of their creator entrancing the viewer. Those praising her mostly focus on her dry humour her popularity is probably due to.
The exhibition deals with the most important eras of the artist via the most significant works of art. The biography of Erika Ligeti by Viktória Kovásznai L. was published parallel with the showing.