2025. February 5. Wednesday
Bicycle or car tour (133,7 km)
We can take bicycle tours in the bleaks of Kiskunság. We will find on our tour is fruit gardens and homesteads. The past of civilians living in the market town can be perceived in the towns while the Kiskunság National Park serves with information on the natural values of the Great Planes.
Stops of a tour
1. Kiskunfélegyháza
6100 Kiskunfélegyháza, Móra Ferenc utca 19.
2. Kiskunfélegyháza
6100 Kiskunfélegyháza, Petőfi utca 7.
3. Kiskunmajsa
Kiskunmajsa Region Historical Collection
6120 Kiskunmajsa, Iskola u. 8-10.
4. Kiskunhalas
6400 Kiskunhalas, Eskü tér 1.
5. Kiskőrös
Petőfi House and Memorial Museum - Slovakian Region House
6200 Kiskőrös, Szent István utca 23.
6. Szabadszállás
6080 Szabadszállás, Csintova 4.
7. Kunszentmiklós
6090 Kunszentmiklós, V. ker. 32.
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